Good |
(Based on 2019 STAAR Data)
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Scaled Score | |
Student Achievement | 81 |
Student Progress | 84 |
Closing Performance Gaps | 78 |
Overall | 82 |
School Summary
Westside High School is located at 14201 BRIAR FOREST, HOUSTON, TX, 77077-1806. The school is part of HOUSTON ISD.
To contact the school, call (281) 920-8000. The email address for the school is
Westside High School employs 156 teachers, who have been with the school an average of 9 years. The teachers average 12 years of experience in teaching. The school currently has 2,931 students with a student to teacher ratio of 18.70 S/T. The special education division has 4 teachers assisting it. Westside High School also employs 10 education aids.
Enrollment | 2938 |
Is Charter | No |
School District: | HOUSTON ISD |
Phone Number: | (281) 920-8000 |
Address: | 14201 BRIAR FOREST , HOUSTON , 77077-1806 |
County: | HARRIS |
Grade Span | 09 - 12 |
Principal | MS ALISA ZAPATA | | |
Website | Click to view |